Goals & Benefits
There are many ways to make a gift to St. Francis. Take a look at some of the options designed to help you to achieve different goals.
Did you know there are creative ways to support St. Francis Hospital Foundation? Ways in which St. Francis Hospital Foundation, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time?
Such giving techniques are called "planned gifts", because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and St. Francis Hospital Foundation.
Sr. Jean M. Pignone Legacy Society honors those who have included St. Francis in their estate plans. When you join the Sr. Jean M. Pignone Legacy Society, you join others who have ensured St. Francis endures for generations to come.
Did you know that there is a family of gifts you can make to St. Francis Hospital Foundation that pays you guaranteed, fixed income back for life?
Read more, email us, or contact us at 516-563-7950.
Interactive Plan-a-Gift™ will recommend the best gift plan to meet your individual needs based on your age, goals and assets, and will help St. Francis Hospital Foundation at the same time.
You can plan a gift that will not affect your cash flow.
Take advantage of appreciated securities, avoid tax.
Make a significant gift, no matter the size of your estate.
Donate double-taxed assets and leave more to family.
Make a gift from your DAF, or name us a beneficiary.
Give a gift of cash or stock, recieve income in return.
Use these tools to start your gift to St. Francis Hospital Foundation. Learn More >.
There are many ways to make a gift to St. Francis. Take a look at some of the options designed to help you to achieve different goals.
We can turn your clients' philanthropic dreams into reality.
An estate plan is a must, no matter your age or income.