Arlene * & John McGrotty
Serendipity and Golf!
A beautiful day on a Pennsylvania golf course brought John and a very special man together. By chance, John completed a foursome and met Dr. Chris LaMendola. On the 18th hole, John discovered that Dr. LaMendola, a renowned cardiothoracic surgeon, occupied an office adjacent to John's cardiologist at St. Francis Hospital. The parting words were "I hope I see you soon on the golf course and not in surgery!"
Just a few months afterward, the story turned prophetic. The shock hit deep and hard-John's coronary arteries were massively blocked, and he would need triple bypass surgery. The cardiologist, cath lab staff, and surgeon all swung into action as a team, and John was in the O.R. the very next day under the capable hands of his new golf buddy! All alone, I had to cope with the preparations for John and my own worries. Who would I turn to for help? My fears were soon allayed as the staff at St. Francis Hospital displayed unparalleled professionalism, sympathy, confidence, and care-not only for John-but for me as well. From the top surgeon, using a ground breaking bypass technique, to the nurses' station, everyone at St. Francis transformed a potentially fatal event into my husband's rebirth.
The two of us now lead a rich, full life together. John was back on the golf course in 6 weeks. For giving us a new life, we will always be indebted to St. Francis Hospital; and to express our eternal gratitude, we both have remembered St. Francis in ourwills.
John and I feel strongly that a world-class hospital of excellence such as St. Francis must continue its work now and for decades and generations to come. We believe the best way to ensure that the Hospital is here for you and your loved ones is through a planned gift.
We hope that you will explore the information that is provided and that you, too, will choose to include St. Francis Hospital in your estate plan.