Pat and Dom * Zuzzi
Financial Security Wrapped Up in a Gift Annuity
Pat and Dom Zuzzi's relationship with St. Francis began 20 years ago when Dom had a heart attack that required triple bypass surgery. Today, Dom and Pat continue to be grateful to the doctors and staff who saved Dom's life during that very frightening time.
Dom recalls that the challenging part about recovering from his open-heart surgery was not just the physical pain but the fear that he would no longer be able to continue to enjoy the activities that used to be such a large part of his life. Luckily, the Brave Hearts-a volunteer support group for individuals who have undergone open-heart surgery at St. Francis-were there to provide support and hope to Dom. The members shared their heart attack "war stories" with him, provided an outlet for Dom to express his concerns, and were a constant source of camaraderie. The peer to peer reassurance-as well as the world-class medical care that Dom received at St. Francis is the main reason why Dom and Pat still enjoy a busy life and are now active members of the Brave Hearts.
So it came as no surprise that Pat and Dom would rely on the Hospital when it came time to supplement their retirement income. A simple flyer about the benefits of a charitable gift annuity sparked their interest, and after exploring their options, Dom and Pat decided to set up a charitable gift annuity with St. Francis. Today, Dom and Pat have two charitable gift annuities with St. Francis that provide them with a guaranteed fixed stream of income for the rest of their lives and the benefits of added financial security.
Pat says, "It is very satisfying to know that we are helping to ensure that St. Francis can provide quality health care for generations to come."